I'm gonna give this a try, I'm going to post what I remember from around the time of certain photographs. This picture was taken on my Saturday shift, AKA Friday night. I picked up two in the East Village. Some taxis wait at a bar with a neon rooster in the window. So two get in and ask for Park Slope, sure I say. See what bothered me though is that they were making out the whole way there, I have no problem with this, but who knows what else they were doing. One spoke to the other in a weird voice not his own, and also I heard a belt being un-buckled. I really don't appreciate when people change in my taxi. But so long as no coffee is spilled we're all right. and nobody shouted either. I'm sure they were good roosters.
This Particular corner is pretty much where Brooklyn's 5th Avenue intersects with Flatbush Avenue. A not so exciting mall or shopping center almost disapears in the darkness a few blocks north in the background. It was all so captivating that I stayed and shot this through the windsheild after the light turned green. I was already empty and heading back to Flatbush Ave to the Manhattan Bridge.
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